Ans: Our products are 100% authentic. We know this because we sourced them directly from the brands’ boutiques and outlets in Europe, instead of going through third party vendors. Please feel free to bring your purchase to any of the brands’ stores to verify the authenticity. Selling counterfeit products is illegal in Singapore and punishable by law.
Ans: Serendipity is a brand by Bella Vita Trading (business registration no.: 53197764A). We are a legitimate business registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore.
Ans: For same bank transfers (e.g. POSB --> POSB or UOB --> UOB), typically we will be able to verify your payment within 1 working day. For inter-bank transfers (e.g. OCBC --> POSB), it may take 2-3 working days for the funds to be credited into our account. Once we have received your payment, we will notify you via email and proceed to ship your purchase.
Ans: Typically we will ship out your items between 3 to 5 working days upon receiving your payment. For pre-order items, we will ship out your orders between 3 to 5 working days after the items have arrived in Singapore.
Ans: We are committed to getting your items to you between 3 to 5 business days. Our representative will get in touch with you during this time frame to confirm your delivery option, address and timing. For this reason, we recommend you to leave us your contact number when placing your order.
Ans: Yes, we can arrange for delivery to most addresses in Singapore. Please note that a flat fee of S$9.90 applies for delivery of purchases below S$1,000. Free doorstep delivery is offered for purchases of S$1,000 and above.
Ans: We apologize that we are not able to process credit card payments at this moment.
Ans: We check every item carefully to ensure that it is defects-free prior to delivery to you. You are encouraged to inspect your purchase at the point of delivery. Goods sold are ordinarily not exchangeable or returnable, unless non-authenticity is clearly proven.
Ans: At this moment, we only deliver to addresses within mainland Singapore.
Ans: You may email us at We are committed to responding to all emails within 1 working day.